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5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Small Business Marketing

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

Running a small business is challenging enough without having to stress over marketing tactics and strategies. Which is why I wrote this blog of easy ways small business owners can improve their marketing efforts.

Create or Redesign Your Website

Today, your website is the first thing people look at before deciding whether or not to buy from your business. This is why if you haven’t already, launching a website should be a top priority.

With website builders like Wix, SquareSpace and WordPress (add affiliate links) building and launching a website is easier and cheaper than ever before.

A website can help promote your business and increase sales but only if it is appropriately designed.

Start Blogging and Content Creation

Blogging is another great way to promote your small business online. People love reading blogs because they are usually written in an informal style. If you want to use this strategy effectively, make sure you write about topics that interest your readers.

Here are a few examples of content topics for different small businesses:

  • Barbershops and hair dressers:

    • hair care and grooming tricks

  • Accountants:

    • personal finance advice

  • Personal trainers:

    • weight loss and fitness tips

Use Social Media

Social Media is now a necessity in any small business’s marketing plan. It can allow you to connect with potential customers without having to pay for advertising. Or by utilizing social media ad networks to reach a larger audience quicker.

Social media can seem overwhelming to start but it can be easy with the right plan and tools to help create engaging content for your social media audience. Here are a few tips to help you get started creating content for social media.

  • Experiment with different types of posts

  • Post like a person, not like a robot

  • Take advantage of trending topics

  • Don’t overuse hashtags

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get the attention of your target market. Try using different social media sites, like Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, etc., to reach your ideal audience.

Offer Freebies to New Customers

Offering something for free will encourage people to try out your product or service. Make sure the offer is enough to entice your target market but also not break the bank.

Giving customers the chance to try a sample of your business' offerings is one of the oldest and surefire ways to introduce and hook new customers on your brand. Freebies let your customers test drive your brand’s product or service.

Giving potential customers a preview of what you can offer also helps spread good word of mouth on your business, helping to create a loyal base of repeat customers.

Ask for Feedback

Once you start getting some positive feedback, ask what else you could do to improve your services. Find out what works best for your company and make sure you keep doing those things.

Encourage your customers to fill out surveys or review their most recent purchase or visit to your business to learn what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong in the eyes of your customers.

If you’re looking for more marketing tips or need help creating an effective marketing plan, contact me at and I’d be happy to help!


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